What’s in a name?

My ten-years-old daughter is a continuous source of cheerfulness in our lives. If earlier it was mostly due to her inherent childish cuteness and positivity, now that she is becoming more mature, her humour and personality start to come through more and more often. I sometimes feel preemptively nostalgic about these moments, because I know that this stage of her childhood is fleeting. Some of the jokes she makes are just too hilarious not to record. I know that they would make me laugh even years from now.

Here is a conversation that we had in the car the other day, on our way from school. A song by Andy Grammer was playing on the radio, and his name was displayed on the dashboard monitor.

“Andy Grammer,” my daughter said, “he must be a really good writer, with a last name like that.”
“Why?” I asked, to play along.
“He is probably very good at grammar.”
“But ‘grammar’ has ‘-ar’ at the end, not ‘-er’.”
“Well, his name is not ‘Speller’, is it?”

I have to admit, it’s hard to argue with this logic.