Puppy age

Puppy toy

When we brought home Bruno, the puppy, one of my concerns was that his and my 7-years-old daughter’s bubbling energies would resonate and cause some kind of cataclysm. Nothing that dramatic happened so far. In fact, she apparently enjoys the responsibility of showing an example of calm composure. The success is a bit mixed, but I’ll take it.

Still, my daughter and Bruno are close to each other “in dog years”, so she has a surprising insight into how he thinks and what he likes. The other day, she picked up a giant bone-shaped sheepskin stuffy for him. I was quite sure sceptical, because the toy was larger than Bruno himself. I thought that if I was a dog it wouldn’t have interested me at all. I was wrong. He was absolutely delighted, and so was my daughter for having read the puppy’s thoughts.