Meet Bruno


Bruno is a Lagotto Romagnolo puppy. We brought him home today, and he is my seven-year-old’s daughter’s first dog. In the morning, she told us: “Today is going be the most memorable day of my life!” I believe she is likely right. For me personally, the days of bringing home my first dog and, many years later, our African Grey Parrot named Zorro are right up there in my memory along with the birth day of my daughter herself. Truly, our pets become members of our family. Glad to have met you, Bruno!

I have always been interested in dogs, but I haven’t heard about this breed until earlier this year, when we firmly decided to have puppy. This is ironic, because based on the description it is a perfect intersection of what my daughter, my wife and I were had been looking for in a dog. It is still quite rare in North America, but we were lucky to find Bruno, along with an incredible support from his breeder practically in our backyard. Well, actually, it is a 2-hour drive away, which proved to be no problem whatsoever for Bruno (no, as incredible as Lagotti are, he was not driving).