Star Wars

My six-year-old daughter is the first person I know, who read a Star Wars book (a collection of bedtime stories) before watching any of the movies. She is really into the interconnected storylines of the various characters. The other day, we had a conversation that seemed straight out of James Breackwell’s hilarious Twitter feed. She put aside the book, sat at the table to have breakfast and said, looking quite thoughtful:

– Dad, you look like like Han Solo.

I thought that was not bad. Even considering the very biased source of this opinion, comparison to Harrison Ford based on looks is nothing to be upset about.

– Mom, you look like princess Leia.

Now both my wife and I were quite pleased.
She though some more.

– Wait. This means I have to be Kylo Ren… Sorry, dad.

Perhaps being Han Solo is a mixed blessing after all.