Finishing projects

IMG_2172 - 2015-02-07 at 07-03-33.jpg

Completing projects, whether it means delivering the photos to the clients or simply clearing the mental RAM by declaring the project finished, is very important for moving on to new projects. I find that it is the latter case, where there is no deliverable per se, but only some vague plans for a certain set of images, that are difficult to mentally resolve and set aside.

Currently, I am contemplating a painting (not a digital one, but actual oils on canvas) in the style of The Group of Seven, but a set of unprocessed images from a recent dance show keeps me from taking up the brush.

I only briefly looked through the dance images, and believe that some of them are quite interesting. I am really looking forward to trying some new post-processing techniques on them, so the painting would have to wait for now.
