Last Saturday, I was helping Armando as a second shooter on a wedding. It was a really fun gig, and I really enjoyed meeting the couple and the guests. Also, the wedding was at the Deep Cove Chalet in Victoria – quite possibly the best restaurant I know anywhere. The weather was also perfect for photography – slightly overcast with sunny breaks.
I heard an opinion shared by a few very influential pro photographers that shooting weddings builds experience for covering almost any kind of event. All in all, it was a great photo shoot. However, as it is typical for any event coverage, image selection and processing is a phase that can easily take at least as much time as the shoot itself.
This time, in the spirit of making the most of any situation, I am sorting through the images as I am recovering from extraction of my wisdom teeth. The painkiller drugs are a perfect excuse not to do any work that requires concentration, such as writing research papers.