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Paragliding is a very photogenic sport. While the images are filled with action, they are actually quite easy to capture. If the wind conditions are right, the paragliders can hover in place, giving many opportunities to take photos without requiring extremely fast shutter speeds. They can also fly very low to the ground and maneuver precisely, so that the background landscape can be included in the frame.

Here are some general suggestions:

  • Find location where air flow is relatively steady and is directed upwards, such as at the edge of a cliff – the paragliders can hover in the rising airstream. (In Victoria, paragliders often fly at the Clover Point).
  • Do not shoot against the light to avoid dark silhouettes (unless this is the effect you want).
  • Try to capture interactions between paragliders in flight or between the paragliders and the spectators.


Please let me know if you have other related tips on photo techniques and/or locations and dates of the flights.