Time commitment 

I think the reason why photographs remain popular even though video conveys more information is that the time commitment associated with video is much larger than that of photography. This applies to all aspects, starting from production, where editing takes an enormous amount of time from a photographer’s perspective (in my experience, and I have heard others confirm it, the rule of thumb is one hour of editing for every minute of video for short clips.) The content consumption stage, i.e. watching a video, also requires more time that watching a photo. A photo can be hung on a wall and enjoyed every time our eye falls upon it, while a piece of video mush be viewed in its entirety to be appreciated.

Also, paradoxically, a good photo can potentially engage the viewer more than a video would precisely because a photo contains less information (there is no sound, no physical movement, etc.) Therefore, the viewer has to rely on his/her own experience and imagination to fill in what is missing in a photo: e. g. how fast is the sprinter running? How strong is the wind? How hot is the weather? Perhaps, a good photo is a kind of collaboration between the photographer and the audience, and that is why it can be both produced and enjoyed with a limited time commitment from either side.


Surface tension


One of my research projects involves impact of liquid droplets on various surfaces, which causes splashes – a photogenic phenomenon dominated by surface tension effects. Many photographers approach this subject from a purely aesthetic point of view, while the inherent motivation for engineers and physicists is analytic. Fluid mechanics of droplets, soap bubbles, smoke, clouds, etc. is fascinating from both the “classic” and “romantic” perspectives, to borrow the terminology from Robert Pirsig’s “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry Into Values“.

Certainly, having water in some form as part of the image adds some an aspect of interest to the photo. This is a well-known fact in landscape photography, but I recently came across a surface-tension-related subject on a street in Amsterdam – two street performers creating giant soap bubbles using a rope dipped in soap water. Incidentally, I found that I could temporally resolve burst of the bubble using a 10 frames per second burst of my Canon EOS-1D X.


Artistic skill

Street artists were hard at work at Plaza Balcón de Europa in Nerja (Spain) every night during our stay there. Their popularity among tourists obviously varied. The cartoonist who drew funny caricatures of models was, by far, the most popular artist. His skill was great, both in observation of the distinguishing features of his clients and in the drawing technique itself.

I think it can be traced, at least in part, to the sheer number of hours he spends practicing his craft. He was there literally every night, with the uninterrupted stream of clients, who were eager to pay 25 euros or so for their portraits. This was definitely, a high-volume operation, as far as selling art was concerned. I have had a couple of experiences with selling photography that way (helping to cover sporting and performance events), and every time, I was left with a feeling of having wasted my time. The whole production process was so mechanical and emotionally draining, that it left no space for creativity.

This time, observing the cartoonist, I was wondering how this artist was able to maintain his motivation to set up shop on the daily basis. Perhaps, the difference in the production processes between his “analog” drawing and digital photography is the key. Even though he worked very fast, he still spent considerable time on small details (which is the most fun, in my personal experience) and on what would be referred to in photography as “post-processing” – adjusting and manipulating the image that he had captured in his mind. Maybe, the way to stay motivated and to have fun with photography is to allow sufficient time to think about and work on individual images – something that is easy to lose in the digital workflow. AA5Q1230_07-06-2015.jpg

Duomo terraces in Milan


Milan’s Duomo is an incredibly imposing Gothic cathedral. It took nearly six centuries to build, but the result is stunning. What impressed me the most is probably the attention to detail, even the details that would not be normally visible to the public.

I bought a two-day ticket, which allowed admission to various sites, including the terraces on the rooftop of the cathedral. From there, one can see small statues nested int the niches of the spires that face away from the streets below.


I climbed to the terraces on my first day in Milan, because the weather was nice, and I did not want to miss the opportunity to shoot the skyline through the lace of the Gothic stonework. In retrospect, it was a good decision not to postpone the climb. Every evening afterwards, it rained during the hours with the best light.


Dreams of greatness


This month’s calligraphy is a saying by a Chinese poet, who as a child had a dream of a flower emerging from the tip of a brush.  This turned out to be a prophecy of his future greatness.

It is curious how many important people had their greatest ideas come to them when they were not consciously thinking (Newton’s apple story is one famous example.) I think this is a perfect reason (besides all the health benefits) for getting more sleep. This is my excuse reason for making this post so short.


Telling a story through small details


Although a picture is worth a thousand words, sometimes a subject of a photo shoot is so vast that it is difficult to decide what to start with. This is often the case with travel photography, as every country’s story can be told in many different ways: through its architecture, food, people, arts, etc.

To overcome the initial block created by the vastness of the subject, I find it productive to pick a specific element, such as an iconic building or even and try to cover it deeply. The term “study” that is sometime used to describe some of the classical works of art ( e.g. “a study in scarlet”) comes to mind. When I start my photography in a new place with a study of a small element of that location, I free up the bandwidth of my mind from the necessity of making decisions about the subjects of the photos (i.e. what to shoot, at what time of day, etc.) This is very valuable at the initial stage, as I can focus on learning more about the particular subject I have already chosen. It might not be the single most perfect subject representing the country or location, but it always offers opportunities for learning about its larger context, so the other subjects for follow-up photo shoots emerge naturally.

Josh Waitzkin, an international-level chess player and a martial artist, who studies learning processes, refers to this strategy of focussing on small details as “creating small circles.” Interestingly enough, his inspiration for this approach came from the book that I am currently reading – Robert Pirsig’s “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry Into Values.” In this book, there is a scene where the main character helps a student to overcome a creative block by changing her assignment from writing about a town to writing about a detail of a building in that town: “Narrow it down to the front of one building on the main street of Bozeman. The Opera House. Start with the upper left-hand brick.”


Cheburashka and his moai


I am continually amazed that my three-year old daughter is enjoying some of the same cartoon characters that I grew up with, even though we came to know them in different cultural settings and in different countries. One particularly interesting character is Cheburashka, “an animal unknown to science,” who accidentally finds himself in Moscow and befriends a Crocodile, who works at the zoo as a crocodile. The animated movies about Cheburashka were originally made in Soviet Union in the 1960’s and 70’s and, after much copyright controversy, are currently produced by both South Korean and Japanese companies. Cheburashka is quite popular in Japan, as my wife and I were shocked to discover back in 2007 by walking into a huge Cheburashka-themed store in Roppongi Hills in Tokyo. To me, Cheburashka’s comeback to popularity through foreign culture seems rather symbolic.

I think one of the secrets of this character’s popularity and longevity is that the central theme of the stories about him is friendship. In Japan, the term moai refers to a small group of close friends outside of one’s work and family. Dan Buettner, in his book about world’s healthiest and happiest people called “The Blue Zones Solution,” identifies moai as one of the contributing elements to longevity of people from Okinawa, one of the “blue zones” reported in the study. In some cultures (certainly in all “blue zones”), moais form naturally, but in North America in general, “one needs to work at it,” according to Buettner. Making friends is not always easy, and creating a life-long moai that is sufficiently small to be intimate and, therefore, effective (about five people) is fundamentally different from being superficially (often, virtually) active in a large social network.

It is fascinating that in 1960’s, in the Soviet Union, fictional Cheburashka and his friends were bringing small groups of friends together, which is not unlike “blue zone” social projects that occupy progressive minds of the present day US of A.


Art and science: recipe for a breakthrough


“Although motorcycle riding is romantic, motorcycle maintenance is purely classic.”

-Robert M.Pirsig, “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance” is a book that keeps surprising me with the depth of its inquiry into some of the very fundamental philosophical dilemmas. For example, it has an interesting discussion of two seemingly unreconsciable ways of looking at things, phenomena or processes: a “classic”, or analytic, and a “romantic”, or artistic way.

Needless to say, to be able to combine both approaches is very difficult, but perhaps a relatively straightforward way of making a meaningfull contribution in either sphere would be to apply state-of-the-art techniques and know-how from the other sphere. This idea is similar to multi-disciplinary scientific research, where breakthroughs often occur at the junction between two or more separate fields.

For example, one could use analytic classification as an approach to art. This, in fact, has been done throughout the ages by using the principles of geometry, psychology and optics in architecture and painting. An extreme example of perfect symbiosis of the “classic” and the “romantic” approaches in Seurat‘s theory of chromoluminarism, which utilizes optical mixing of colours (an additive process), instead of physical mixing of pigments (a subtractive process.)

The inverse (applying the “romantic” approach to science) is a bit less obvious, but I believe it can be done very effectively. There are two points of opportunity for this in a scientific workflow: 1) examining and communicating the impact of the phenomenon under consideration as a whole, before it has been analyzed and 2) looking for and pursuing the aesthetics in the analytic process itself.


When less is more


Using self-imposed constraints in the way the information is delivered can make the message more powerful. Similarly, economy of information, i.e. how much of it is being transmitted, is also an important concept. Amanda Palmer pointed this out in her interview with Tim Ferriss in relation to music, but I believe it also applies to visual arts and teaching.

In photography, painting, calligraphy, etc., the use of negative space allows the viewer to complete his/her own personal version of the image, given the limited amount of visual clues provided by the artist. Personally, being a fan of Japanese art, I would like to explore simplifying the composition and limiting visual elements in some of my typical shooting scenarios (sports, travel, landscapes, portraits) without necessarily resorting to minimalism.

On a similar note, teaching often fails by providing the students with too much content (for their level of knowledge, duration of the class, etc.) and rarely (if ever) by giving too little information. Leaving something for self-study allows the students to engage with the material and make it “their own”. I must say that having just finished teaching a relatively large course, I am looking forward to limiting the course-related information that I both receive and transmit to bare minimum for the next few months.


Definition vs. understanding


In his book “The Wisdom of Insecurity: A Message for an Age of Anxiety“, Alan Watts argues that to define a process or a phenomenon is not the same as to understand it. Of course, it is possible to become lost in the semantics of what the definition of “understanding” is, but in general, I believe this viewpoint provides a great insight.

Even though we can define something, we often lack the deep understanding of it until we can experience the concept in question. In kendo, for example, it is almost trivial to memorize the names and superficial biomechanical descriptions of various techniques (waza). However, the understanding of the implications of the techniques develops gradually, through practicing them in multiple matches (shiai) and training sessions (keiko) against different opponents. I suppose, a similar difference exists between defining the various mechanical processes and artistic concepts that are involved in extracting a piece of music from a violin and actually playing it. Practice, as in physical doing, is the key word here.

By extension, the same principle applies to photography. It is not sufficient to mentally grasp the concept of camera shake, for example, that is caused by excessive rate of pressure on the shutter release button. To really understand the effect in conjunction with various focal lengths, shutter speeds and lighting conditions, one needs to practice rolling his/her finger over the shutter button hundreds of times and examine the results.
