Family portraits: best lens for shooting in natural light


When my daughter decided to help baking pancakes on a Saturday morning, I could not resist taking a few snapshots of the process. Something in the very fact of her wanting to help to the best of her ability as a three-year-old (even if it actually creates more work at this age) resonates deeply with me, and I always want to capture the moment and the feeling.

I happened to have a borrowed Canon EF 85mm f1.2L II USM lens that day, so I used it to shoot the portraits of my daughter and wife in our kitchen using natural light from a skylight located directly above them. I shot wide open, at f/1.2, which gives such a shallow depth of field, that the typical kitchen clutter in the background is not very distracting. The wide aperture also lets in a lot of light, which allows the ISO (and therefore, noise) remain relatively low.

The inherent challenge of shooting at f/1.2 is getting acceptable sharpness for both people in the shot. The depth of field is so shallow that if I focus on the closest eye of one person, for example, even other parts of the face of the same person are out of focus, not to mention the other subject(s). As my daughter was busy stirring the batter, I asked my wife to try to move as closely as possible to her and then positioned the camera so that both their faces would be approximately the same distance from it.

Despite being tricky to work with, I think the 85mm f1.2L is the best lens for natural light portraits. It is a bit difficult to define what makes this lens so remarkable, but I think it is the combination of sharpness, bokeh and low noise that makes the images taken with it stand out.


Photo sizes for the web


I use different settings for Facebook, 500px, Flickr and my website when I export photos from Lightroom.

Facebook resizes photos, unless they are already of one of the pre-defines sizes:

Regular photos 720 px, 960 px, 2048 px
Cover photos 851 px by 315 px

I usually export photos for Facebook  and my own website at 1000 pixels along the long side and use standard screen sharpening. I don’t worry about resizing. Here is a sports photo page that Armando and I use to send updates on our photo shoots, and the photos there are saved with these settings:

For Flickr and 500px, I upload full resolution photos, which serves as an additional backup. I find that both sites do good job in terms of resizing and displaying the photos.


Customizing camera settings


Modern professional DSLRs can be customized in nearly every aspect of their operation. My Canon EOS-1D X, for example, has a myriad of settings related just to the operation of the autofocus, from relative priority of achieving focus vs releasing the shutter to tracking sensitivity for moving objects, based on their acceleration.

While it is fun to play with the settings, I find, in practice, that knowing which settings are most critical for particular types of shots and learning how to change them quickly during a photo shoot is sufficient. In fact, it is simply not practical to fumble through all possible variations of settings in order to potentially find the optimal combination. Most likely, doing so will result in missing a shot.

I find that it is useful to become familiar with just a few camera configurations and to learn (through experimentation) which ones do not work for a particular situation. Having said this, I try to re-visit the manual periodically and to make sure that I am fully utilizing the capabilities of the camera.


On using a monopod

A monopod is not a substitute for a tripod for long exposure shots. It enables only slightly slower shutter speeds than what can be managed by hand-holding the camera. However, there are certain situations where using a monopod is very convenient.

The main advantage of a monopod over a tripod is its smaller footprint, so it can be used in crowded places, such as at sporting events. Sport photography often requires a long telephoto lens (I usually shoot soccer or rugby with a Canon EF 300mm f/2.8L IS USM and of course, there is Nikon counterpart: Nikon 300mm f/2.8G AF-S ED VR II). It is important to support a long lens not only to avoid fatigue (these lenses are heavy!), but also to reduce camera shake. At many venues, tripods are not allowed, as they take too much space, but monopods can be used. Sometimes, a monopod can be used as a makeshift stationary camera support in very tight spaces, when it is clamped to some heavy object. I have used it in this way in a research laboratory and also at a sporting arena where tripods were not allowed (by clamping the monopod to advertisement panels that surrounded the pitch).

It is also easier to move around with a monopod, even without folding it, to follow the subject.

There are two options for attaching the monopod to the lens (or camera): using a head or using a lens collar. I tried both methods and found that using a collar is more convenient. In the photo above, Armando has his 500mm f/4L lens attached to a gimbal head. When using a head, it should not be tightened too much, so that the camera can be be turned quickly. An alternative is to attach the lens hood directly to the monopod and tilt the entire system slightly to adjust framing. Since long telephoto lenses have a narrow field of view, small inclinations of the camera result in large changes in the framing. The collar should be kept relatively loose, to be able to quickly change from horizontal to vertical camera orientation. Most telephoto lenses have collars, so monopods are usually sold without a head.

When shooting, I find it convenient to angle the monopod and keep its lover end pressed against my foot. This prevents it from slipping on hard or slippery surfaces.

Genrally, I find a monopod quite useful for sports photography, but I would reach for it only if using a tripod is not allowed, impossible or too cumbersome.


Photo contests


Whether participating in photo contests is useful for one’s development as a photographer or not, depends on the photographer, or rather, on what he/she takes away from the contest.

Some contests are judged by a panel of judges, while many online contests (in various Flickr groups, for example, such as Matchpoint Challenge or Flickr’s 100 Best) are adjudicated by the participants themselves. There are even popular sites dedicated to head-to-head photo “duels” (e.g. pixoto). Some sites, e.g. 500px, do not run contests per se, but give photographers bragging rights by ranking their photos and portfolios based on their popularity.

While no competition is objective, I personally value them for the feedback they provide regarding my photos. Incidentally, I found that off-line contests are largely useless from that perspective. Sometimes, the outcomes are surprising, in a sense that some of my personal favourite photos do not resonate with the audience, while others that I do not particularly care about (I would enter them because they fit the theme of a contest, for example) become hugely popular.


It is also interesting to see that different audiences prefer different trends. For example, the 500px community, which consists mostly of photographers, favours more subtle, elaborate post-processing effects than the pixoto community. Pixoto is more representative of a general population, and the preference is given to brighter, more saturated colours and generally images that “pop” more.

Participating in contests gives focus to photography when otherwise might be no external motivation to go out and shoot or creatively process images. Doing this regularly is an important practice for developing one’s skills.

I think that just as it is important for improving my work, receiving criticism helps me develop thick skin regarding the opinion of other people about my work. It may sound counter-intuitive: why invite feedback if what you learn is to ignore it? But it is not ignoring the harsh comments that is valuable, but rather learning not to take them personally. Any artist consciously makes him/herself vulnerable by putting out his/her work out for the World to see and judge. Nevertheless, even though our work is an expression of ourselves (to a degree, this is true of any work, not just photography or art), it does not define ourselves. Developing this concept requires practice, and contests provide such opportunity.


Taking great photos consistently


A question of consistently making significant contributions to one’s field is continuously relevant in my main work, which is academic research in fluid mechanics. I believe that it is also important in photography.

No doubt, taking even a single amazing photo is not easy, but every now and then, even if you know nothing about photography and don’t have the best camera, you will take a great photo just by blind luck. Probably, most amateur photographers have had this experience. However, producing great, or even above-average, image consistently is much more difficult. It takes dedication of a professional to develop one’s skill to that level.

I have been thinking about what is required to make consistent significant contributions to a field (in this case, photography) and came up with the following list:

  • Knowledge about the techniques: how a camera works, principles of lighting, composition, image processing, etc.
  • Equipment that is capable of producing above-average results in variety of settings/conditions (read: expensive, pro-level camera(s), lenses and lights).
  • Learning about the work of other photographers/artists: regularly looking at great images. Thankfully, it is very easy these days with online resources like Flickr or 500px.
  • Learning directly from others. This includes working closely with other photographers, receiving feedback on your work and generally involving people in your projects.
  • Practice: shooting regularly, which directly contributes to developing the skills of framing the shot, focussing properly, smoothly releasing the shutter, etc.
  • Support from family/loved ones. Well, I suppose that if there is no one in your life, it is still quite possible to be a great photographer, but for me personally, my wife’s is involved in all aspects of our photo projects, from brainstorming the ideas to helping during the shoots (or taking care our daughter while I go shooting) to giving feedback on images, has been tremendously helpful. It is not an exaggeration that she simply enables my photography.


Printing photo albums


I have been looking through various options for printing an album for the wedding photo portfolio to showcase my and Armando’s work in that area. While both of us printed photo books before, we wanted to try a top-quality printing company for this project.

These days, there are so many online printing/binding companies that selecting the top one is quite difficult. My personal experience to date has been with the White House Custom Colour (not with books per se, but with gallery wrap prints). The quality was excellent, and one of the canvas prints hangs on our living room wall. I also ordered a couple of books through Apple, directly from iPhoto. I very much liked the result, and the workflow was very intuitive. However, I feel that a wedding portfolio calls for a more substantial binding.

Our top two choices were KISS and The Leather Craftsmen. Both companies came highly recommended by professional photographers in podcast interviews. Both websites have a registration process that involves verification of the user as a professional photographer. After my registration was approved (Yey! An external validation that I am a pro!), I was able to see the price lists. The prices of the albums from both companies are comparable, and they are significant – certainly not what we can afford to just try out by ordering a few different options. That is why it is a difficult choice.

We decided to go with The Leather Craftsmen because of the wider range of available formats. The KISS offers only square format, which is simple, but somewhat limiting for what we want to print. I am looking forward to trying the procedure for preparing the photos and designing the layout of the book and, of course, to seeing the final product.


Shooting position for rugby: following the action

More photos here:

When shooting rugby or soccer, sometimes I stay behind a goal line instead of following the action along the sideline. Besides laziness, there is actually a couple of legitimately good reasons for doing so. The action of these sports looks good from the goal line position – the players face the camera as they run towards the goal. Being stationary also allows me to find a comfortable, low-angle position to shoot from.

On the other hand, following the action along a sideline (when it is allowed, which is not the case at MLS soccer games, for example) provides more opportunities to shoot close-ups of the players and also offers more variety of the action.

This past Saturday was unusually cold for Victoria. In fact, it snowed the night before. Although I dressed for the weather for our university’s rugby game, moving around instead of sitting in one place seemed like a good idea. I wrote before that I usually carry my Canon EOS-1D X with a 300mm f/2.8L IS USM lens on a Black Rapid Y-strap, but this time, I attached the lens to a monopod, which was extended to a height that allowed me to shoot from a standing position. Normally, a lower shooting position, such as standing on one knee, is preferable for sports, but I was willing to sacrifice it for extra mobility (no need to fiddle with the monopod – just set it on the ground, point and shoot). I attached the lens collar directly to the monopod, without a ball head. To frame the shots, I simply tilted the entire monopod. I kept the collar loosely closed around the lens, which allows me to quickly rotate the camera to a vertical shot position.

My associate Armando was shooting the same game from the goal-line, low position using a Canon EF 500mm f/4L IS USM lens on a Canon EOS 7D Mark II body. With the crop sensor, this combination gave him a very long effective focal lens, allowing to shoot closeups of the action from the opposite side of the pitch. Also, low camera position was excellent for capturing the flying pieces of mud being kicked up by the players.

Between our two shooting positions and different focal lengths used, we captured a good variety of shots from the game.

More photos here:

Basketball photography: autofocus speed

More photos here:

The main drawback of using the Canon EF 85mm f1.2L II USM lens for shooting indoor basketball is that this lens focusses rather slowly. As I wrote in another post, the Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM lens, on the other hand, is lightning fast, especially when paired with a built-for-sports DSLR, like a Canon EOS-1D X.

At the yesterday’s game of our university’s team, my associate Armando had an opportunity to directly compare the autofocus speeds of the 1D X and his recently-acquired Canon EOS 7D Mark II. He tried both cameras with a 70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM lens, and his impression was that the 7D Mark II was slightly slower of the two. We had a hypothesis of why that might be the case: it is possible that this apparent lag in response is due to a lower battery voltage of the 7D Mark II. The massive battery of the 1D X probably drives the motor, which turns the optical elements of the lens, slightly faster.

When shooting a game like basketball, the autofocus speed is critical for being able to follow the rapidly accelerated players. Having said this, yesterday, I still used the 85mm f1.2L II USM lens because of its incredibly shallow depth of field.

Note: The most important of all camera settings to check before starting an action photo shoot is the autofocus mode. It should be set to AI SERVO, which makes the camera to continue tracking the subject if it moves after the focus has been acquired. In contrast, the ONE SHOT mode, while giving more accurate focus on motionless subjects, does not allow continuous tracking of a moving subject.


Finding time for photography

Ponte Vecchio

All the things that are worth doing, take time. (I’d like to credit someone for this quote, but too many people said it.) Photography for me is a part-time pursuit, so finding time to do it seriously has not been trivial. However, it hasn’t been particularly difficult either. How can this be? Actually, photography is naturally integrated in most of my activities, both within and outside work.

The main part of my work is academic research in fluid mechanics. In my lab, we use flow visualization (photography of fluid flows). While the goals are far from artistic (we measure forces on submerged objects, etc.) and the techniques are highly specialized (we use lasers as light sources, for example), the basic concepts are the same as in conventional photography. So there is considerable cross-pollination between my interests in experimental fluid mechanics and taking pictures.

Family activities are even more easily connected to picture-taking. Photography gives focus to our vacation trips. It keeps us closer to our families and friends all over the World. Sharing my photography skills with friends feels good, because there are not many other options to give something as a gift, without buying it. Photographs are something of value that I can create myself. Hopefully, this makes them more personal as a gift. So doing photography while spending time with family and friends does not take away from personal time, but enhances it.

It is the same with my practice of kendo. Taking pictures of matches and practices is not only interesting from photography point of view, but also allows me to study kendo more deeply. In fact, I wrote about balancing these perspectives in this post.

I believe that if we look at our activities closely enough, we find that there is no such thing as multitasking. Having said this, we do variety of things in our lives, and sometimes certain activities, skills or interests enhance our experiences in other areas.
