On balance


In shodo (Japanese calligraphy), one of the most difficult aspects is the balance between the individual characters (kanji) and the overall image, which often contains many kanji. In the image above, the orange marks, made by my teacher, point out the individual kanji and, in the case of “water” in the lower left, the elements of the kanji.

While drawing the details of each kanji, which has to be done in a particular order, I have to keep in mind the overall balance of the final image. If a particular brushstroke is out of place or proportion, the brushstrokes that follow will be out of balance. At the same, it is important not to become too concerned about the outcome and instead concentrate on what is being drawn at any given moment.

This balance between the details and the whole is one of the parallels between shodo and kendo. It also translates to practically any other activity, such as teaching, studying and photography.
